Hands For A Bridge seeks your support for its global dialogue program that enriches the lives of students across the globe. Many people and organizations have contributed through the years to help HFB thrive.
Send your donations to:
Hands for a Bridge
P.O. Box 27004
Seattle, WA 98165
HFB is a registered non-profit. Tax ID#: 26-3624161.
Click to view and/or download IRS 501(c)3 verification letter
Financial Support Options:
Gifts from our community make our work possible. With your support, we can achieve our vision of a brighter more connected world where every student is an empowered global citizen with the vision, resources and opportunity to effect change in their communities. Please consider making a donation by visiting www.handsforabridge.org. With your gift of:
$1000: We will be able to develop innovative partnerships and community-building projects, like our recent production with the Lummi Tribe of Sonny Sixkiller Buys the Washington Redskin.
$750: One student from our partner schools in South Africa or Northern Ireland will be able to travel to Seattle to participate in our transformative programs.
$500: We will be able to facilitate a retreat between our own students and group of visiting students where dialogue and relationships are developed.
$250: One of our outstanding teachers, who volunteer their time to HFB, will be able to have one day of travel covered by a substitute teacher.
$100: We could pay for transportation of HFB students to other Seattle Public Schools to develop relationships in our own community.
$50: Students can purchase and provide a backpack full of school supplies for a student in need at a partner school abroad.
$25: We could expand our library of educational materials on social justice, conflict, and forgiveness.
Click here to make a donation!
Amazon Smile
Did you know that every time you shop on Amazon.com, you could be supporting HFB? Simply change your bookmarks to smile.amazon.com. The first time you log on, you will be prompted to select a benefiting charitable organization, and you can pick Hands for Bridge. After that, each time you make a purchase on smile.amazon.com, we will receive a percentage of the proceeds at no cost to you!
Your business or community organization can also sponsor Hands for Bridge events and activities! Contact info@handsforabridge.org for recognition opportunities.
Thank you to our 2019 Supporters: 
Stay in Touch
Alumni, community members, and friends of HFB can stay in touch with us:
Find us on Facebook! We have a Hands for a Bridge page, as well as an active alumni network.
You can also sign up for our email newsletter by sending an email to info@handsforabridge.org.
Volunteer Opportunities
Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities with Hands for a Bridge!