HFB Summer Car Washes

July 14 at Windemere Auto (5450 Sand Point Way NE) August 18 at Rick’s Chevron (8506 5th Ave NE) This is a great opportunity to get some enjoyment out of your errands by chatting with the new HFB class and putting your dollars to good use. All car washes run from 10am to 3pm. Please…

Call for Applications

Future HFB Class of 2018-2019: the application process is now open for Roosevelt High School students who are current Sophomores or Juniors. Applications need to be turned in to room 235, Mr. Michael Magidman, by Friday, April 20 (Friday after Spring Break) by 4:00 pm. Hard copies of the application can be obtained by inquiring…

HFB Annual Auction November 19th, 2016

Please join us for an evening of libations, hors d’oeuvres, and entertainment. 6-9pm on Saturday November 19, 2016, Bloedel Hall at St. Mark’s Cathedral This not your standard sit-down auction, but a fun social event with opportunities to mingle, bid on hundreds of silent auction items, and enter exciting raffles. Lots of easy free parking.…

Thank You for Giving BIG!

Thank you to our community of supporters who helped us have our biggest GiveBIG result ever!  On May 3rd and 4th, the Seattle Foundation, along with generous community partners, stretched each and every gift made to area nonprofits- including HFB. Your generous donations make our work possible. We look forward to keeping you posted on…